Zasto CO2 izadje van iz gaziranih pica kad mu dodas saku secera ili soli?

Ime i prezime: Tatjana Maricic


The escape of carbon dioxide from the drink can be accelerated by several methods. If a small amount of salt is added, then the grains provide an enormous number of pits and cracks for nucleation sites and cause a rapid evolution of gas. In addition, a salting-out effect contributes to the rapid formation of a foamy head. Ions of the salt are more strongly hydrated than the CO2 molecules in solution are; therefore, when salt is added, fewer H2O molecules are free to hydrate the CO2 molecules, and the carbon dioxide bubbles out of solution.
P. W. Atkins & J. A. Beran: General Chemistry 2nd ed., p. 442.

Odgovorio: Goran Štefanić

Kada se šećer ili sol otopi u vodi, smanji se množinski udio vode u otopini. Zbog toga se, prema Raoultovom zakonu, smanji i tlak pare vode iznad otopine. Zbog smanjenog tlaka CO2 izadje iz otopine van. Barem tako mislim.

Odgovorio: Slaven Crnković

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