Odnosi se na porijeklo žive (Hg) u benzinu. Ima li žive u benzinu, u kojem obliku?

Ime i prezime: Ivana Janušić ivana.janusic@croatiaairlines.hr


Porijeklo je prirodno koliko je meni poznato. Evo ti jedan apstrakt o tome, a slične stvari možeš naći pretražiš li internet googlom na frazu mercury in gas ili mercury in oil.


Mashyanov, N.R.1; Ozerova, N.A.2; Ryzhov, V.V.1

1Earth’s Crust Res. Inst., St. Petersburg State Univ., Russia; 2Instit. of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, RAS, Russia)

The combustion of fossil fuels is a significant source of mercury emission in the environment. Mercury concentration in hydrocarbon gases is variable more than six orders of magnitude: from less than 0.01 to 1.4*104 ng/L (Ozerova, 1986). Some of gas and oil pools have resources of this metal comparable with those in proper mercury ore deposits. However, the determination of metal reserves in gas deposits has commonly been carried out on the basis of a few or single measurements of Hg concentration in a gas.

The obtained data shows a significant spatial-temporal variability of the mercury content in hydrocarbon gases. The maximal spatial difference (up to 2-3 orders) can exist in the vertical direction in different productive horizons of a deposit, but the Hg distribution can be heterogeneous within the same productive bed as well. The long-term variability of the local and average Hg content in gas pools can produce a significant difference in mercury amount evaluation (up to 1-2 orders) depending on the year of measurements.

In the gas wells, the current concentration can fluctuate dozens of times during an observation period of several years. Nonstop measurements performed during a period of many days, which were made using a Zeeman spectrometer RA-915 (Lumex Ltd.) on two gas-condensate deposits, revealed a new phenomena – regular "short-term" variation of the mercury content in hydrocarbon gases with periods from 0.3 to 25 hours, and amplitudes between 10 and 80 % of the Hg average concentration throughout the measurements duration (Ryzhov, et al., 1999).

The spatio-temporal variability of the mercury concentration in hydrocarbon gases should be taken into account in the determination of mercury resources in gas deposits and evaluation of Hg input in the environment due to exploitation of Hg-containing hydrocarbon deposits.


Odgovorio: Nenad Judaš   judas@chem.pmf.hr

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